
Visual Search is the New Revolution. Know How?

When you describe something in various ways and are still unable to find the results you have been looking for with a text-based search, it becomes quite frustrating. Here, visual search can be the solution. By using visual search, you can find anything by simply taking a picture with your mobile phone. If you have come across something attractive online or offline, you can take images to get similar products using visual search. 

How Visual Search Works?

Most companies are embracing visual search technology despite it being a relatively new technology. Google Lens, a tool offered by the search engine Google helps you to search online for a product or a service in a better way. To initiate a search, you can use a photo. By simply pointing the camera at the object you want, you can obtain important information.

Similarly, Pinterest Lens have a similar product. Here, you can pin a product. Some of the e-commerce giants have also included it in their search options. 

Benefits of Using Visual Search 

Search Process becomes Easy

Due to the presence of visual search, you can ditch your keyboard. Here you have to rely on the images that are taken with the help of mobile phones. Visual search allows you to locate a product which you may have liked somewhere.

Use Visual Search in Retail

For the e-commerce and retail market, a visual search is an ideal option. Home design and fashion are largely driven by visuals. It is not easy to describe ‘style’ with mere text. Catalogues with pictures make it possible for you to find a product you like.

Discover New Ideas and Products

Visual search allows one to discover cross-category products without much hassle. Looking at the browsing history, a recommendation may be offered. On the occasion, you may be recommended a nightstand that looks similar in style to your dresser

Help You with Reading and Learning Foreign Language

In a foreign country, you may not be aware of the native language. So, you may not be able to speak or read it. For understanding street signs, you can use the visual search. Diverse kinds of issues in your regular life can be solved using this new technology.

Is Visual Search Popular?

Now, the question is whether consumers have embraced the visual search completely or not. The statistic shows that visual search is not in practice everywhere yet. Till now, 27% of people are not aware of visual search technology. However, the popularity of visual search is increasing.

How Brands Optimise for Visual Search?

Visual search has not become mainstream yet. However, a marketer should start to incorporate it into their strategy for excellent results. In the beginning, brands have to invest in a huge image catalogue. It is the best way for the brands to be found by their customers. 

By cataloguing and connecting images, visual search integration can be started. It is essential to make sure that all your products are assigned to the right image. If a website is well-organised then it can take benefit from visual search engines. 

The physical and digital worlds are interconnected. Therefore, what’s in your store can find a place in your online store and get sold from there. Remember that visual search is in its nascent stage now. Soon, it is expected to become a familiar technology. Visual Search has the potential to bring revolution to the digital world.

Strategies to Optimise Visual Search

Here are some strategies to improve your visual search

Boost Image Search with Web Inventory

Recently, 8% of retailers have developed image search into web inventory. Pinterest is the leader in this field. They have cracked a deal with Target to utilise the visual search technology. It is one of the ways how a brand can incorporate visual search and help you find the product.

Focus on Organic Image Visibility

Metadata and schema markup are important parts of SEO visual search. Minimal search is expected to be in visual search for SEO. The data is expected to be the only source of textual information for the search engine crawl. Metadata drives the traffic towards the website.

Promote on Pinterest

An enormous marketplace of Pinterest is well developed for visual search. If there is a possibility to find a target audience on Pinterest, a brand can think of advertising through the platform along with similar products.

Submit Images to Sitemap

Images must be displayed clearly. And, they should be clutter-free for the easier processing of the visual application. It is better to optimise the image with the proper file type, size and title.


Voice Search is expected to play an important role to make your brand a success. Tech is not up to the mark till now. However, you should not worry about it. Brands are expected to take advantage of this technology in the future.

Google’s recent keynote gives an idea about the future of visual search. Consumers think visually. Therefore, brands are expected to take a digital route giving customers a similar experience of window shopping with visual search.

If a brand starts early, it may get the beginner’s advantage. Visual search will transform itself into visual commerce. So, visual search is the next frontier when it comes to expanding the rich of the business.



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